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Automotive Core Tools Quiz- 汽車業核心工具測驗 | 01 January - 31 December 2025

Course contents will be available once enrolled

About This Quiz 測驗資訊

The quiz consists of 30 questions, of which at least 21 questions (70%) must be answered correctly. Each question contains four possible answers, and only one of them is the right one. You have a total of 60 minutes to answer the 30 questions. 線上測驗總共有30 題選擇題(單選題),必須正確回答至少 70%的問題(最少答對21 題)。每個問題包含四個選項,其中只有一個選項是是正確的。 您總共有 60 分鐘的時間回答共 30 題選擇題。

Target Audience 目標受重

Personnel who want to take the VDA 6.3 Auditor Qualification/Examination or the IATF 16949 1st / 2nd Party Auditor Examination for the first time. 若 您想要取得以下資格或參加以下考試, 您需要參加此線上測驗: o 想要首次獲得 VDA 6.3 稽核員資格,或 o 想要首次參加 IATF 16949 第一/第二方審稽核員考試。

Test Attempts 測驗嘗試

There is only one attempt available, you cannot repeat the quiz. !! 請留意:此測驗僅可嘗試一次, 您不可以重複參加此線上測驗 !!

Certificate of Qualification 資格證書

After passing the quiz, you will obtain a certificate of qualification. 成功完成測驗後 我們會向 您發送結業證書.