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VDA 6.3 – Qualification as a Process Auditor 過程稽核員資格 | Knowledge Test 知識測驗 | 24-25 July 2024 | IL

Course contents will be available once enrolled

Objectives 課程目標

In this one-day workshop, participants will have the opportunity to strengthen their process auditor skills, share their day-today experience, and develop their user skills. The participants thus increase their security in the application of process audits and receive suggestions for the development of their auditor competence. 在爲期一天的研討會中,學員將有機會提高實際的過程稽核員能力,分享稽核日常經驗以及發展稽核的實用技能。 學員可以透過訓練確保有效地實施過程稽核,並激勵稽核員未來持續發展能力。

Concept and Methods 概念與方法

The workshop focuses on practical application of the process audit as a tool for analysing weaknesses in combination with risk assessments and as a basis for improvement measures. 研討會重點放在過程稽核的實際演練,將過程稽核有效轉化為風險評估和改善措施的風險分析工具。 The theoretical part focuses on the subjects of audit preparation and audit planning as well as evaluation. The application of the VDA 6.3 Analysis Tool will also be discussed. 理論部分聚焦於稽核準備、稽核計畫以及分數與級別評估。並且將討論如何操作VDA 6.3分析工具。 In the practical part, the audit preparation, audit planning, the execution of process audits with final evaluation and the presentation of results (final discussion) are trained in role plays and according to given scenarios. 實際演練部分聚焦於稽核準備、稽核計畫以及執行過程稽核,並且以角色扮演的方式在最終討論(結束會議中)呈現稽核結果以及最終評估結果。

Prerequisites for Attendance 參加此課程有要求什麼資格條件嗎?

• Certificate as process auditor VDA 6.3 (2016) 學員須已取得VDA 6.3(2016) 認證過程稽核員資格。 • Comprehensive knowledge of the VDA 6.3 questionnaire and the evaluation-relevant requirements 爲了 確保研討會的教學效果與過程效率,參加學員需要對 VDA 6.3 提問表和評估相關的綜合知識有全面的瞭解。

Certificate of Qualification 證書

At the end, participants will receive a certificate of attendance. 研討會課程結束後,學員將拿到一份VDA核可的參訓證明。


  1. Course Number

    VDA 6.3 KT_TW
  2. Classes Start

    Multiple - See Calendar
  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

  5. Price
